1984. With hammer in hand, the runner blitzs through the lobotomized masses of a monoculture. And in a moment of unfettered determination she lets fly a throw that even Thor would be proud of. The hammer hits home and the image of Big Brother explodes, sending out light and rays of hope. The rage against the machine finds its voice and everybody is ready to listen.
This all happened on Super Bowl Sunday and was the beginning of Macintosh. Well, this Orwellian scene now finds a parallel in the Ward Coffey Shapes universe. Though maybe not as earth shattering as Apple's launch, it's a big deal to us. Because after too many years of staring at the same old stale website, we are tearing it down and breaking out a new blog site that we believe will inspire and stoke any wave rider.
We hope that sharing the images of surfcraft, stories of boards, and the people who spin in our orbit will make our time on this big blue ball more fun.
Oh yeah, as far as the Apple board goes, I'll be doing a story on that project soon. Stay tuned.
1984 you tube video