A captive crowd is always a good crowd. These surf stoked grommets from Scotts Valley Middle School Surf Club came by the shop to listen to me ramble on about the basics of surfboard shaping and construction.

Thoroughly engaged, the kids had some great questions and comments. We covered a lot of ground and I got to show off some of my fancy gadgets.

As always with the kids, I emphasized safety when handling tools like this. I believe using a planer is often best left to the professional in your neighborhood.

It was a packed house with standing room only. And being so close to the holidays, I would bet that more than just "visions of sugarplums" were dancing in their heads, especially this girl with the cool new sticker.
A special thanks to Duke Brouwer for setting up the whole thing and being staff photographer. Duke has done a great job with this group and is a much appreciated advocate for the art of local handshaped surfcraft.
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